The Adventure! The Road Trip. The life...
It's been awhile since I wrote anything. And for that, I am sorry. The exciting news? My debut novel, The Search, is officially...
A Person's a Person...
One of the greatest things I learned in my master's program was that giving false hope to people-promising things we don't know to be...
Ohana Means Family
I have never liked the phrase blood is thicker than water. It seems to indicate that families are only designated by blood. By biological...
Suicide. It is a scary, often misunderstood, action. Some call it selfish. Others call it a permanent solution to a temporary problem. It...
Give Yourself Permission to Fail
I recently watched a clip of Peter Dinklage giving a commencement speech at his alma matre, Bennington College. Now, the footage was a...
You Know Nothing...Jon Snow
***Spoilers*** Does anyone really know anything, or is it all a matter of perception? Jon Snow died. And rose again through the power of...
Everyone has powers...
When I was little kid, I dreamed of having superpowers. The ability to control time. The weather. Move objects with my mind. I always...
How to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse
There is a zombie craze going on. With so many shows, novels, movies, and survival guides out there, it is not surprising that theories...
An Open Letter to My Best Friends...
Dear Childhood...and Lifelong Best Friends, We've known each other for like...forever. Or, at least it feels that way. We grew up...
Princesses Don't Have to Be Disney
I type the word "princess" into Google search. And, lo and behold, Disney dominates the search engine. It's not until I'm a quarter of...